Friday, August 2, 2013

Feeding the Beast: Music.

Listening to a lot of music as of late.  I'm in a funky mood because my husband is leaving tomorrow for a deployment (he'll be gone for a month) and I miss him a LOT when he's gone.  Yeah, I know that sounds kind of weird, but I *know* some wives who can't wait for their spouse to leave.  C'est la vie.

Without further ado...

**This song may sound familiar - it's used in adverts for the Halo video game**
Imagine Dragons

**This song was used in a Trojan Lubricant advert**

Mazzy Star

**This tune is on the movie soundtrack for Natural Born Killers**
Cowboy Junkies

Fun featuring Janelle Monae



Acoustic Live
James Blunt

The Verve

Peter Gabriel featuring Melanie Gabriel

And, that's all she wrote.  Literally.


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