Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl??? No. Iron Chef??? Yes.

There are SO many "celebrities" here (for The Game - AKA "Super Bowl" and for "Other Reasons" - you know, like Mardi Gras) and I really felt so VERY lucky (because I'm such a Foodie and all) to be able to see Marc Forgione (an Iron Chef) at a Macy's demonstration...  well, from my perspective... fuck the Super Bowl (it's not as if The Saints are playing in it).  So, I'd much rather SEE someone of this caliber cook AND answer questions.  Chef Forgione was so personal, so nice, so witty, so honest...  it was WORTH the time it took to see his show (we claimed our FRONT ROW SEATS two hours before the demonstration).  He also signed my cookbook and I ended up scoring some pretty sweet mixing bowls (I fell in love with them before I realized that they were the hoity-toity Macy's line of Martha Stewart stuff - sorry, but I feel like she is K-Mart material and not much else).

Anyhow, let me get on with it.

Chef's food???  Brilliant.  Everything he made???  We ALL tasted.  Marc used a smaller version of MY beloved Kitchen Aid mixer to make his own sausage.  And everything was RIGHT THERE and REAL.  He also made a version of a New England Lobstah Roll that was to die for - and I learned a brand new technique for getting the tail meat cooked and easy to peel.  :0))

Take a look (some of the pics are blurry - I was using my iPhone)...

 ^^  Interviewing I

 ^^  Interviewing II

 ^^  Interviewing III

 ^^  Delicious de-constructed Sausage, Peppers, and Onions...  email me for the recipe...

Too bad my beloved husby detests NYC (my apologies to any New York readers).  I think it's his Southern upbringing along with some piss-poor tourists that he came across during his misbegotten youth - but (fingers crossed) I'd love to go there just to dine at very specific restaurants.  :0))

Such food LOVE.

Marc is the bomb-diggity....  




  1. It's fabulous living in a foodie-city!!! :0)) His lobster rolls were to die for!!


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