So, my thoughts were kind of jumbled all in my inner stratosphere (my pet name for my screwy mind) and I decided to make a bit of a list of all the things that I tend to think about, when I'm laying in bed and pondering all the mysteries of life. They are in no particular order - and unless something is very obscure, I will not be providing links (or pictures - for those of you who may be visually inclined). On with the show!!
The Good
- Family. Somewhat. I really love my siblings and all my nieces and nephews. I even like my MIL, FIL, SIL, and BIL (#1) - but I don't care for the Jerry Springer BIL (#2). He's just an asshole. But, at least he is living well over 2200 miles away. Makes visiting a pain in the ass - and he's too cheap to go anywhere. ::happy dance:: haven't seen him in YEARS because of this!!
- My husband. He is my best friend, confidante, lover, companion, constant, and he totally gets me. I don't have to explain to him where I'm coming from, because he knows me that well. I also know how he ticks and all of his favorite things and what makes him happy. Sixteen years together, through multiple moves, deployments, the ups and the downs. It's all good. If anything, it's made us far closer (well, that and the lack of children - I think they can royally fuck up a relationship - and many HAVE actually screwed up relationships - so my reasoning is solid... ;0)) ).
- My friends. Even those who are in every single state, in every corner of the globe. We are all able to stay in touch via Facebook and Skype... and it always makes me happy to see their faces. Fuck fighting time and distance... we can beat that. It just takes a little more of an effort.
- My city. New Orleans may not be where I was born and raised... but every single time I leave and come back here?? I feel like I'm coming home. The feeling is indescribable and makes me utterly and sublimely happy. I'm proud of this place and the wonderful, awesome, artistic, happy-go-lucky people it attracts AND who live here. There's nothing shabby about French Quarter Fest or The Running of the Bulls, either.
- Living every day to it's fullest. I truly believe that this life is the only one we'll ever have and we need to make the most of it. Volunteer, travel, see the sights, do things you'd never, ever think you could do... be honest and blunt and quit waiting for an afterlife or a visit from Saint Peter (he of the pearly gates) or any type of god. Besides, if you're only being good for the "idea" of god (and getting into heaven or wherever), it kind of defeats the purpose, don't you think??
- My dog. She's never met a stranger, demands nothing from me but love and affection, she's far easier to care for than a child (no diapers, no messes, no problems) - if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I think I'd be content coming back as a dog. Really. Instant gratification to Chai-Dog is the best happiness in her life. Walk?? Ride?? Treat?? Yeah, I could wag to that.
- Roller Derby. Need I say more??
The Bad
- Upstairs neighbors who have loud little children and piss-poor-parenting skills. As much as I would, indeed, like to blame the children for their rudeness, they DO learn all their societal skills from their parents. And when the parents don't know any better, how can you expect their children to??
- Burning food because you can't hear the timer from the other end of the house (where I tend to fold laundry and all that other happy shit). It's stinky and it takes forever for the smells to dissipate. GAH.
- Kill shelters. People who put animals in kill shelters because they suddenly find that they are knocked-up, and their loyal dog or cat of X-amount of years has to go because of the new baby. That's pretty damned shitty. Or, if they don't put them in a kill shelter, they'll just abandon them. Makes me wonder if some of these assholes would be so callous with their own baby (should it have something wrong with it). I don't really tend to trust people who treat animals poorly. It speaks VOLUMES about their personality.
- People who lie to spare someone else's feelings (even if it is a problematic character flaw). If a friend of mine tries on a new outfit and it looks like a horse's ass, I'll be tactful about it - but I'll let her know that it's not for her. Why would I want her to go out in public thinking that she looks good, when she really doesn't?? Of course, we all have different styles - and I tend to wear funky tee-shirts and jeans/shorts/Chuck Taylors/Dr Martens, but I'm fully aware that I look like a freak and that's perfectly okay with me. I just can't be bothered** (which might be a GOOD thing and maybe this is under the wrong category) to try and fit a stereotype. Makes me gag to think about it.
- Pimping your religion. Whether it be via email, door-to-door (private residences), or on a public street corner. If I *were* interested, don't you think that I'd seek YOU out??
- Helicopter parents. Need I say more???
- Organized religion. The Greeks, the Romans, the Christians (to include the Crusades), the Moors, the Islamists... if there were no religion to fight about, what would life be like here?? Probably a lot more fucking pleasant. Which is why I identify with atheist or secular humanist. Christopher Hitchens was right. Religion POISONS everything. However, I don't really give a shit if you want to worship Mohammed, Jesus, God, Kali, follow Buddha, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster... I just don't want you to shove it down my throat. Easy enough, right?? Wrong. Some people feel compelled by the "spirit" (or just the church's ugly little tithing system - because the current flock isn't coming up with enough).
The Fugly
(Which stands for "Fucking + Ugly = FUGLY")
- Position does NOT dictate behavior (nor should it ever). Watch Kevin Smith's original movie "Clerks" and you'll understand this concept. You are who you are and unless you're a psychopath or a serial killer or a person who just blows people out of their shoes because they can... well, you need to be true to yourself - regardless of position.
- Ass kissing people. Oh, my bleeding Jeebus... they make me want to go over a really high, rocky, rough cliff in a Sedgeway with NO HELMET ON. Not everyone is going to agree all of the time (and those that do make me just cringe... like they've never had a fucking original thought in their head) and not agreeing is perfectly fine. It's also fine if you think that I'm an asshole and I think that you're a douche bag. It is what it is.
- People who whore their entire lives out and then piss and moan when someone makes a comment or points out something which is known by all, but should *never* be brought up because it's "not nice" or some other such blathering bullshit. If you didn't announce this uncomfortable thing to the WHOLE WORLD, no one would ever know your sad secret and point it out. And, if you can't defend yourself, you shouldn't expect other people to do it for you. Grow a fucking pair already and OWN what you've written. If not, shut the fuck up and disable people from POSSIBLY posting something negative.
- The lack of common-fucking-sense from grown adults.
- I don't think "sensitive" men are attractive. I want a man to be a knuckle-dragger who can take control and act like a man. One that holds a purse/diaper bag and simply says "yes, dear" seems to be emasculated to me - and I'm always tempted to ask if their fucking balls are beside their wife's wallet (in the quilted cheezy purse).
- Sheeple mentality. People who are so worried about fitting in, looking a certain way, or doing things in order to impress others. It's pitiful. I see this bullshit with some of the military wives (they'll compare the size of their strollers and SUVs - however, they don't describe their husband's cock size, so that's SOMETHING, at least). Many of them are so vapid, they don't have an original thought in their head. I see this with certain religions - and although I feel a bit of pity for these type of people, I also feel like they are just selling out and are probably miserable inside. If they can't stand up and say "this IS NOT RIGHT" on their own, they are complacent. Which is nothing different than the German people who lived outside of Auschwitz and claimed to never smell the crematorium while thousands of people were thrown into ovens and made into ashes every single day.
Okay. The last thought was just an awful one and I'm going to quit while I'm not quite ranting. If you'd like to send me a list of YOUR personal "The Good. The Bad. The Fugly.", you can send it to:
Disclaimer: I will post those emails I find to be thought-provoking and different from mine... however, if you write something idiotic and miserable (with any personal attacks), I still may post it on here with my responses or commentary. Just a heads-up. And if your language is dirty, I don't care. We're all adults. But if you curse or use "dirty" words, please use them in the correct context. It would be a shame for me to have to point out that you don't know what a certain word means.
I look forward to hearing from some of you!! Now, it's time to get ready for the weekend... it's movie night here for all the girls... and wine is necessary!!