the scholarly or scientific study of music, as in historical research, musical theory, or the physical nature of sound.
Related forms:
mu·si·co·log·i·cal [myoo-zi-kuh-loj-i-kuhl], adjective
mu·si·co·log·i·cal·ly, adverb
mu·si·col·o·gist, noun
Now we've all learned something new today, kids!! //sarcasm
I can't lie. As a bibliophile, I'm a word-lover, a grammar lover, a spelling lover, and a text-speak hater. I suppose this just adds a bit of eclectic charm to my (sometimes) abrasive personality. But, it also means that if you receive a text from me, there will be no sign of abbreviated words, the spelling and punctuation will be (generally) proper, and the length of my response will reflect this. However, if YOU send me a message with a bunch of fucking acronyms, I will more than likely curse you as I'm trying to look the shit up on Google.
Seriously, though. I'm going to post some YouTube video links with some newly discovered (by me) music. Before my trip to Shreveport, I found myself in a musical rut. I tend to enjoy a lot of alternative and grunge music and find that I have very little patience for shitty pop music (Justin Bieber?? Adam Lambert?? Mariah Carey?? Celine Dion?? - I can't even believe that I have befouled my blog with those musical whores). And, I don't really care for a lot of country stuff (there's only so many times your wife can leave - or cheat, the tractor can flip over, the dog can die, or the crops can wither). I'm okay with some of the classic country, like Johnny Cash or Willie Nelson - but as far as the new stuff goes?? No. Just... no. So, it was utterly surprising to me that I ended up downloading some music which sounds kind of country and twang-y. Hell, maybe it's more bluesy (at least that's what I'm telling myself).
For most of these songs, I've actually used an app on my iPhone called "Shazam". It's a free app (you can also purchase the ad-ware free version, but I couldn't justify paying for that version - the adverts really don't bother me much and certainly don't affect the app itself) and all you have to do is touch the screen (to SHAZAM!!) when a song is on, and it identifies the name of the song and the artist. Pretty snazzy, eh??
^^ Wham!! It's Shazam!!
**Okay, so that was wickedly cheezy. But I thought it was amusing. It is what it is.**
What I'm getting at, is this little app helped me to discover new (at least to me) music and artists. It entirely took the guesswork out of finding the songs on both YouTube and the iTunes store.
Now my shameless Shazam plug is over (and no, I didn't receive anything for pimping this app - I just really like it), we'll *finally* go on to the actual reason for this post... the music.
Please note: Lyrics, video content and subject matter may be offensive to some.
Cage the Elephant
**Remake of Led Zepplin's original song**
**Also featured as the opening song for the movie "Girl With a Dragon Tattoo"**
Trent Reznor, Karen O., Atticus Ross
**I couldn't find an official video for this song, hence just the audio.**
**Remake of the song from the movie "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou"
Charm City Devils
Hell Yeah
Alex Clare
**Totally inappropriate**
**This song makes me so happy - and reminds me of the movie "Drowning Mona"**
Three Dog Night
Just a partial list of my road-tripping music. :0)) Some of these songs are a bit older (besides the Three Dog Night song from 1975) - and I missed them because we were living in Europe during the time they were released Stateside. Contrary to popular belief, everything American does not necessarily make it across the pond. Hell, the Germans still think David Hasselhoff is a hawt commodity (and for those brave enough to take a look and listen... click here).
Until next time, peeps.
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