Sunday, May 19, 2013


This weekend I made a quick trip up to Shreveport to visit with friends - and to participate as an NSO (Non-Skating-Official) for this weekend's bout with my first (and favorite!!) flat-track roller derby team... the Twin City Knockers.  I was up, showered, and eating breakfast by 6:00 AM on Saturday morning, packed the car,  filled the gas tank, and left New Orleans by 7:30 AM.  It's a 5-hour trek (roughly 350 miles) from NOLA to Shreveport - along roads that have NOTHING (and I mean NOTHING) to look at... even the gas stations are few and far between.  However, I *am* a glutton for punishment AND I really enjoy a solitary road trip... it's awesome to take the top off the car, listen to whatever I want to, and just lose myself in thought.  Therapeutic, really.

One of the gas stations I stopped at (exit 87 in Alexandria, Louisiana) was really dodgy... I pulled in there around 10:00 in the morning and was a tad bit worried that I might get shanked while filling up the car.  Of course, I needed more than just a fill-up.  I had to use the public bathroom.  Oh.  My.  Gawd.  Besides the fact that it was a unisex bathroom (with a MASSIVELY TALL urinal for the menfolk to pee in and a pretty grubby commode), there was a condom machine mounted on the wall... and one of the items you could purchase for .75 (all quarters, please and thank you) was "Randy Goat Weed".  Touted as a male enhancement drug, I shudder to think of what type of ingredients were really in those miracle "pills".  And I also wonder just how many people have actually parted with their spare change and actually TRIED it.  The proof is in the pudding:

 ^^  Always quality restrooms to be found on I49 N - Exit 87 (Alexandria, LA)

 ^^  This is what .75 cents in a trashy public restroom buys you...

So, after a mood-altering visit to the bad bathroom over in Shanksville, I headed back up the road in order to make it to the House of Wheels and assist with the track set-up (and whatever else my team needed me to do).  Luckily, I had time for lunch (at a decent sandwich shop) before meeting all the other NSOs at 2:00 PM.  The bout was scheduled to start at 7:00 PM, with the doors opening at 6:00 PM so that spectators could get their drink on ($5.00 surcharge for coolers - no matter what the size!!)...

^^  Home of the Twin City Knockers - and one of my favorite places to be.  :0))

^^  Sexy socks and skates...

^^  And the final score... with the Knockers taking the win!!!  :0))

The after-party was at a new (old) bar that I hadn't been to before - Bear's on Fairfield.  They had some excellent drink specials and the bar staff was awesome.  Very attentive AND offered free shots (some kind of vodka mixed with pineapple???  That was what they smelled like) - also had no problem with the derby girls getting boisterous.  Oh, and they served decent bar food... the kitchen was open as long as the bartenders were still serving.  This, in and of itself, makes Bear's a winner in my book!!

^^  All lit up!!  (Literally)
**Photo courtesy of Bear's on Fairfield**

I didn't get any pictures of the inside... it was dim and a bit smoky (most bars in Louisiana still allow patrons to smoke) and I was too busy socializing to even think about taking pictures.  However, I *did* find these gems in the bathroom (I know, I know... what IS it about me, this trip, and bathrooms??!!??) - and being a big huge fan of "Stall Wall" poetry and doodles...  

 ^^  This gem graced the first stall in the ladies room...

^^  And this was in another stall.  I thought the repertoire was quite witty!!

After having some drinks at the bar, visiting with the team, meeting the opposing team (off the derby track), we called it a night and headed home to have some snacks and chill out.  Of course, my friend B. and I ended up gabbing until almost 2:30 AM - and then we both crashed.  

I set my alarm for 9:30 AM so that I could get a move on my day and meet some of my friends for lunch before heading back to New Orleans.  I'm not going to lie...  I was dead tired.  Ended up going to the Olive Garden and after a great lunch, I packed the car back up and headed home.

All in all, it was a fabulous weekend and I'm so glad I was able to catch up with everyone.  

Road Trip + Roller Derby + Good Friends + Food + Boozy Drinks = A Great Weekend


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