Monday, March 4, 2013

Lost - in my OWN neighborhood.

It's true.

I went out to take a walk (for exercise - because I'm dieting and I've reached a plateau and I need to increase my cardio crapola - like you needed to know all that, right??) and usually I just head to the ferry landing and then come back home...  the same boring route every time.

Well, I just kind of...  wandered and zigged and zagged and before I knew it, I was lost.  Pitiful, eh??  However, I did get some great pictures - and obviously, I found my way home (where I'm now writing this missive)...  and I walked three miles (according to the shitty pedometer I own - I'm always suspicious that it *really* isn't correct - nothing like a bit of paranoia to spice up the day).


^^  Our local "grocery" - it's a funky old-fashioned store that sells a bit of this and a bit of that. 

^^  This is one of my favorite houses in the Point.  If it ever goes up for sale, I'd probably sell my weak soul to the highest bidder for it.  

^^  I stumbled across this gem...  didn't even know it was here.  Sadly, there are no fancy groceries to be found...  they're out of business.  Wonder if the other grocery put them out of business?? 

^^  Storefront of the closed Fancy Grocery. 

^^  Apparently these neighbors have had enough of people parking in front OR in their driveway.  The different color spray paints add that extra touch of "klass"...

^^  Algiers Point Courthouse.  This is where the husby and I procured our marriage license way back in 2002.  Room 201 on the second floor, to be precise.  :0)) 

^^  Gulf Pizza.  It is, indeed, an old Gulf gas station.  I personally haven't tried the pizza here yet (dastardly diet) - but I've heard mixed reviews.  One afternoon I'll hoof it on down and try a pie. 

^^  Unfortunately, they were closed for the afternoon when I was wandering by (which is probably a good thing, really.  The dastardly diet and all...) 

^^  Surprise, surprise!!  We don't just have a recording studio in the Point...  we also have a music store!!  The front of the building is purple - the sides??  Not painted.  Gives a new meaning to the term "storefront".  

So this concludes my adventures for today.  I didn't realize that it had been so long between posts (again) - so I'm going to make an attempt to upload the two tons of pictures that I've taken at the Aquarium of the Americas.  Look for it over the next day or two...



  1. Promise me that we will go for walks when I visit. PROMISE ME!!!!!!!

  2. We will walk so much, you'll be exhausted. Pinky promise!! :0))


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