Sunday, August 11, 2013

Busy Week: A Short, No-Frills Post.

My husband is currently deployed for the month of August, so I've been filling my schedule with fun things to do (and to keep me from turning into a total recluse while he's gone).  So, it's been a busy week (as he left last Saturday, August 4th) - and my apologies for not blogging sooner.

I amused myself last Sunday by driving to the French Quarter.  Parking is free on Saturdays and Sundays, and since July and August is our low-season here, I was able park in a prime location - 800 block of Royal Street.  Picked up a couple of little things that I've been eying for the house and then ambled on over to Gallery Rinard and hung out with one of my favorite NOLA girlies, "Anita Martini" (her moniker).  Left there around 7:00 and met some other friends for dinner back here on the Westbank at a little dive with the best fried oysters, Perino's Boiling Pot.  Of course, I had an icy-cold Abita Amber to wash it all down with.  Yum.

Monday and Tuesday were busy with the regular stuff.  Cleaning, errands, shopping, catching up on some schoolwork, and meeting a new client.  Nothing hugely exciting - considering that I don't tend to cook a whole lot when the husby is gone.  So, no menus to plan.

Wednesday night I spent with a friend and her husband in Gretna.  I was invited for dinner and we had some t-bone steaks and salad.  Really delicious and cooked to perfection.  We then hung out and gabbed for quite a while after dinner and I didn't get home until really late.

On Thursday, we had some pretty big thunderstorms.  So I decided to stay in and hang out with our Choggie and veg out in front of the television.  I caught up with most of my shows and had an excellent (and very appreciated!!) rainy-day nap.  Oh, and I played the Sims 3 for a bit.  Was in the mood to build-build-build-build.  ;0))

Friday...  New Orleans Saints day!!  Was invited to watch one of the pre-season games with my friend (and favorite neighbor), S.  We had fabulous seats, full bar access, wait-service, and the house was packed.  Before the evening game, we went to visit some friends in the Garden District for a little pre-game canapes and wine.  I took some pictures and I'll be uploading them over the next couple of days.  We had a great time!!

And on Saturday, I headed up to Baton Rouge to officiate a flat-track roller derby match - between my favorite bashing bitches the Twin City Knockers and the Capitol Defenders.  My girlies kicked some ass - and ended up losing by one fucking point.  However, it was one of the best games yet and we were playing with a short roster - so we only had three jammers for the entire game.  I will most definitely be blogging very soon on that phenomenal game!!

And, finally, we're at Sunday - again.  I was supposed to meet some of my friends at the Canal Street Theatre - which is an over-18 movie theatre (no kids allowed!!) which has a great restaurant and chair-side service throughout the show.  However, I bailed (for the matinee) because I didn't get up until 11:00 this morning (I'm not counting the 5:30 AM wake-up call I had - to let Choggie out) and I realized that I needed to pick up some Crunchy-O's and other basic necessities.  So, I ended up running out to the commissary to stock up on things.  And I'm doing laundry.  Towels and sheets - oh my!!

Will update within a day or so.  Trying to figure out plans for next week!!


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