Thursday, January 3, 2013

So wrong. Why can't I stop laughing??

To any "regular" readers I have, please don't get too excited about two posts two days in a row...  I'm not that motivated yet and I just quit eating fast food for the month of January (I couldn't commit to a whole year - didn't want to set myself up for failure) - I'm a bit grumpy because of the carby-carb high I'm sorely missing.  One of my friends who quit cold turkey (carbs - NOT booze or cigs) said that if I could make it for five days, I'd probably be okay.

So, I'm trying.

Anyhow, my stupid New Year's Semi-Resolution is not supposed to be the topic of this post.  The picture featured below is.


I came across this little gem somewhere on Pacific Avenue in The Point while I was walking the dog.  I actually had to stop and look twice.  At first I was looking down at the plate and the top of the trunk had shielded the first part of the statement...  so all I read was "CARS YOURS".  So, I put the dog and reverse and had another look.  And laughed and laughed and laughed.  I have seen other plate surrounds concerning The Rapture and most of them were on the lines of "When The Rapture Comes You'd Better Grab My Steering Wheel" or some other such nonsense.  Now this???  Utterly hilarious because the owner apparently doesn't care who gets Raptured with them...  they just want the rest of us sinners to KNOW that it is perfectly fine to take the car.  

And I'm a-okay with it... including the piss-poor grammar.  


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