Wednesday, April 17, 2013

French Quarter Fest - Day Four: Rained Out.

As much as I wanted to finish the fourth day of the festival, it was piss-pouring rain when I woke up at 9:30 AM.  So, being a typical lazy bitch, I flipped over and went back to sleep.  The bedroom was dark, thunder was booming, and the occasional flash of lightening was visible, and a little too close for comfort.  So, I missed out on my bread pudding drizzled with white chocolate and bananas.  Which is really, really, really okay.  I didn't need the extra-evil calories.

I did discover a new restaurant, one that we are keen to try sometime soon (and they also give an additional 10% discount to locals)...  that would be the Royal House Restaurant.  May I suggest their char-grilled oysters???  Oh.  My.  Gawd.  It was a total taste orgasm.  No lie.  The menu is short and sweet... but there's enough of a variation to appeal to almost anyone - oyster lovers or not.

In all honesty, they may be able to give Acme Oyster House a run for their money. Good google-y moo!!  (In all honesty, I attempted to add a link, but nothing seems to be working this evening)...   So, you may want to run a search engine and see the menu.  :0))

When we lived in Europe, I was able to create the char-broiled oysters quite easily...  if you really want my copycat recipe, comment on it with your email info and I will be more than happy to pass it on.  :0))

In other news, Choggie has been fighting diarrhea...  and she is now barricaded in the kitchen.  I feel like an awful doggie-mommy.

Such is the story of my life.


1 comment:

  1. How about my assistant director went down for the festival last weekend and the cow didn't even bring me a friggin magnet back??? EVERYBODY knows they have to bring Nicole back a truly awesome magnet to add to the fabulous collection. Thus an entry into the fridge spotlight contest. Old cow....


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