Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Not just the Westbank. It's really the BESTBANK.

As most of you know, the mighty Mississippi curves around and through New Orleans.  Some sections of the city, such as the French Quarter, Irish Channel, Uptown, Marginy, and the Garden District are on the Eastbank (and, yes, it is indeed spelled as one word).  The area I live in (Algiers Point) happens to be on the Westbank.  You can get here two ways - via the Crescent City Connection (the much-bitched-about bridge) or the Canal Street Ferry can carry you AND your car for a mere $1.00 each way.  Of course, parking is a bitch on the other side of the river... and the meter maids are vicious.  VICIOUS, I say!!

Anyhow, people can be really weird when it comes to what area of the city you live in.  Some uppity-ass Eastbankers also like to call those of us on THIS side of the river "Wankers" (W(est)+Bank+ers).  Hell, my husband will say to me "Are you ready to go back to the Wank?"  So, to counter all the Eastbank negativity, I scored this AWESOME tee shirt yesterday at Fleurty Girl:

^^  New tee.

So take that, you weirdo Eastbankers.  I need to find out from some of our friends if there is a derogatory name for those on the OTHER side of the river.  Not that I'd use it or anything.  ;0))


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