Monday, May 13, 2013

Out (and About).

For some strange reason, whenever I see the words "out" and "about", I always think of the Canadian pronunciation ("oot" and "a-boot").  Don't know why.  It's just an idiosyncrasy that I have (one of many, let me assure you).  Anyhow...

I ended up at the doctor's office this morning because my allergies were hellaciously bad.  There is nothing quite like a lovely large steroid injection in my right ass-cheek and ten days of oral steroids to start the week off right.  Goodbye, sanity.  Welcome 'roid rage.  Le sigh.  So, I didn't make it to the gym this morning.  Instead (after going to see my doc), I went and got my toes painted, picked up some Philosophy hydrating mist (oh dear Jeebus - my skin LOVES their entire line - and I just wanted to go cray-cray and buy it all), and then moseyed over to Best Buy and picked up a new Sims 3 expansion pack.  Later on, I'm going to run to Michael's to pick up some art supplies so that I can make some additional designs for my tee-shirt line.  I've got some really good ideas.  As to how they will translate on to paper??  Well, we'll see.

Now, I'm back home and I'm attempting to get some housework done.  I know - wicked shocker.  The house-elves are on strike and I'm having to do it all myself.  Fuckers.

 ^^  Purple toesies.

^^  The Philosophy awesomeness.

My life has not been hugely exciting lately.  I've been a good girl and I've been on the wagon (damned booze has a TON of calories in it) and eating healthier.  Well, except for yesterday.  Husby did the neanderthal knuckle-dragging grill-thing...  meat + fire = dinner.  And it was really, really good.  And it was even BETTER because I didn't have to make a plan, find the ingredients, and then execute a meal.  

Might be boring, but it's all mine and I'm pretty damned happy.


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